Reforestation of the Preservation Management Plan for the 220kV TAP[1] Electric Transmission Line to the Chicureo Substation in the Metropolitan Region.
This project is part of the environmental compensation committed in the Environmental Qualification Resolution of the project "Electric Transmission Line of 220kV TAP [1] to Chicureo Substation", where during the construction of the electric line, a total of 5 individuals of Guayacán (Porlieria chilensis), a species classified as vulnerable, were affected in an area of 0.12 ha.
The location of the reforestation was achieved through an agreement with the Metropolitan Park, dating from 2013, where the park provides the site and the water, while Enel the generation of the green area, installation of the irrigation system and maintenance until the establishment.
The environmental commitment consists of compensating the felling of the 5 Guayacanes with the reforestation of an area of 3,000m2 with species of Guayacán, Quillay (Quillaja saponaria) and Maitén (Maytenus boaria), and the enrichment of another 3,200m2 with only Guayacán. This allows the creation of a total of 0.62 ha of native preservation forest and generates a positive impact on the biodiversity of Santiago. The internal validation of the success of the reforestation establishment is still underway, for subsequent verification by CONAF and the closing of the environmental commitment.
The execution of the project allows:
- To comply with regulations and strengthen relations with the Metropolitan Part.
- Generation of a green area equivalent to 6,200m2, enhancing an area of the Metropolitan Park with low vegetation coverage.
[1] TAP: connection of the substation to the high voltage line.