Monitoring of birds in the 220 Kv TAP transmission line[1] Chicureo Substation in the Metropolitan Region
In order to estimate the richness and abundance of the resident bird populations and evaluate their behavior in the transmission line area with the incorporation of new elements in their habitat, such as high voltage towers and conductors, a monitoring was carried out for three years. It considered the establishment of listening and sighting stations with a radius of 25 meters, separated by a distance of no less than 350 meters between each station in the 6.2 km long line. The detection and identification of the birds was done visually and audibly (vocalizations), for which binoculars were used, for a period of 10 minutes and a photographic record was made in each sighting.
The monitoring and samplings during the three years period, were done every three months at twilight hours, the hours of greatest activity for the birds, which allows studying the behavior of the birds in the different periods of the day. In addition, emphasis was placed on the search for evidence, such as: nests, feathers, tracks and pellets that would allow the identification and determination of the presence of birds.
In each sampling station, some environmental factors were considered, such as meteorological conditions, since these have an impact on the observations that are recorded. In this way, it was possible to estimate some interaction of the bird communities present in the study area with the abiotic environment.
During the monitoring period, no carcasses were evidenced as a result of electrocutions or electrocutions associated with the presence of the new facilities of this project in the area.
The execution of the project allows:
- Reduction of the risk of mortality due to electrocution of protected wild birds by the interaction of electrical installations with their natural habitat.
- Comply with the project's environmental commitments by implementing bird deterrents on high voltage lines and towers.
[1] TAP: connection of the substation to the high voltage line.