Description: In regard to a problem such as the filling up with sand of the Pehuenche Hydroelectric Power Plant intakes, the idea arose of creating companies in neighboring towns that dedicate themselves to the extraction of sand with their own machinery, allowing them to establish an enterprise with this environmental liability of the Plants.
This company is organized around a Shared Value concept and is established thanks to the challenge of keeping the intakes clean of aggregates transported by the river and removing them at no cost to Enel, in turn, generating sales networks for these aggregates to construction sites. This project of mutual benefit allows, on the one hand, Enel to save many man-hours, trucks and machinery, and, at the same time, allows the community company, which carries out the transport work, to increase economic income, encourages the entrepreneurial capacity of the sector, and reduces this environmental liability.
This entire operation is coordinated by a team validated by the company's environmental and safety regulations, which allows access to previously reviewed personnel and the corresponding municipal permits.
Location: Ruta internacional Pehuenche
- Transportes Cordillera Parada | Javier Parada | Telephone: +569 77328451