Raúl Arteaga E. joined the Enel Group in 1985 and became the Chairman of Gas Atacama Chile S.A. in May 2016.
He has been the Chief Financial Officer for Enel Generación Chile since May 2016. Prior to that, he was Deputy Chief Financial Officer for Enel Generación Chile, formerly Endesa Chile (2011-2016), and Corporate Treasurer for Enel Américas, formerly Enersis (2007-2011). Previously, he worked in Enel Generación Chile as Financial Coordinator (2002-2007), Corporate Treasurer (2000-2001), Chief of Financial Operations (1997-1999), and Head of Investor Relations (1994-1997).
Mr. Arteaga was also part of the international expansion of the Enel Group in South America working at Central Costanera (Argentina) as Chief of the Cost Control Area between 1992 and 1994. Mr. Arteaga has also been the Chairman of Pehuenche S.A. since May 2016, a subsidiary of Enel Generación Chile.
Mr. Arteaga holds a degree in Civil Industrial Engineering from the Universidad de Chile (Santiago, Chile).