Pedro Aguirre Cerda
Pedro Aguirre Cerda: Carlos Valdovinos with Clotario Best
Through a review of the first settlements in what is now the commune of Pedro Aguirre Cerda, referring to the formation of the population of La Victoria, Pablo Barahona, president of the Neighborhood Council No. 6, says that "this mural represents how our community was born. We are working as a team, and you can see that they are concerned about the neighbors and community. I think it's great. Pedro Aguirre Cerda deserved this a long time ago".
It is an emblematic sector within the commune of Pedro Aguirre Cerda, specifically in the walls of the Ochagavía Electric Substation, which total 650m2. For its development, seven Chilean artists participated along with residents.
"In the design, we can see the neighborhood's history, the first land grabs in Chile, such as the Zanjón de la Aguada, we also see some landscapes and symbolic figures, such as Clotario Blest, the workers. We wanted to maintain their memory and recognize social struggles," explains Cristián Aravena, a muralist from the El Colihue Foundation who participated in its creation.
Collaboration between the El Colihue Foundation and the Municipality of Pedro Aguirre Cerda also meant using ecological paint and having a sustainable waste management plan during the project.

Lo Prado
Lo Prado: 550 María Rozas Velásquez Avenue
"This mural means beautiful things, hope, light, and our neighbors are happy to pass by and see this beautiful thing."
With these words, Sonia Soto, a neighbor of the San José substation, describes the change that her sector in Lo Prado has experienced. This mural covers 250 square meters on the walls of Enel Transmisión's San José substation. Two design workshops constructed a sketch that portrays the neighborhood's identity, colorfully painted walls integrated into the urban fabric reflecting the area's history.
This project occurred thanks to collaborative work with the Municipality of Lo Prado, El Colihue Foundation, Chilean artists, and the community. Ecological recovery of spaces transforms the streets into real open-air museums absorbing CO2.

La Reina - Peñalolén
La Reina-Peñalolén: José Arrieta and Los Molineros Avenues
It was created by seven artists: Fernando Cifuentes, Felipe Morales, Gonzalo Sánchez, María Fernanda Gómez, Rodrigo Cristi, Edgard Gutiérrez and Cristián Aravena, commemorating community members. It consists of 690 m2 of mural art on the La Reina substation, alluding to the sector's first neighbors, its agricultural development, first land grabs, and urban migration. Finally, the mural illustrates the dream of a more promising future.
"This mural represents the history of La Reina and Peñalolén (...) since the area's first indigenous settlements. We want to portray (...) this area's pinnacle moments and what are future hopes are," explains Fernanda Gómez. She participated in the project in 2021, representing the El Colihue Foundation.
The municipalities of La Reina and Peñalolén, the El Colihue Foundation, seven local artists, and 50 community members participated. They used the ecological paint Graphene that absorbs 120 grams of CO2 per square meter, equal to 83 kilograms considering the entire installation. In addition, artists used natural ox hair brushes, raw wool rollers, and wooden supports.

Cerro Navia
Cerro Navia: 6889 Tres de Julio Avenue
This work was created in 2019 by local muralists Jennifer Díaz and Christian Ferrada on the walls of the Cerro Navia/Pudahuel substation, in collaboration with the Municipality of Cerro Navia and Fundación ProCultura. Landmarks, people, and symbolic themes for the community are represented on its walls, such as the cacerolazos (pot banging protests), the environment, and Father Mariano Puga.
Artist Christian Ferrada explained that they met "with neighbors, they threw out a list of alternatives. We did a kind of brainstorming, and among them were born quite a few ideas that identified what the neighborhood meant to them."
Silvia Araya, a neighbor, said she is "happy with what I see on the wall. I loved it because it reflects everything we live".

Independencia: Olivos 1157 St.
Also inaugurated in 2019 in Independencia, the mural art was painted in the substation Los Olivos and created by the artists Luis Núñez and Leonardo Casimiro in collaboration with the Municipality of Independencia and the ProCultura Foundation.
"We participated in neighborhood councils, schools, we met with historians, how neighbors saw their community," explained the artist Luis Nuñez during the work's exposition. Artists decided to divide the mural in two: on Independencia Avenue, the emphasis was on the commune's history, while on Olivos Street, the art displays contemporary issues.
"We were in charge of Olivos Street, migration. A theme we colorfully captured from the community's multiple suggestions," said Leonardo Casimiro when presenting the work.
Children and adults created value in the territory through collaborative y and sustainable art.
This is an artistic and historic journey representing communities' cultural identity. The project is publicly available and in line with the spirit of "Open Power to Art."