Enel Distribución activates emergency plan for September 11th

Published on Friday, 9 September 2022

  • The initiative considers ongoing monitoring of the electrical grid, an increase in field crews to address emergencies, implementing unique security actions, and reinforcing customer service and information channels.
  • The customer service channels reinforced are WhatsApp (+56994447606) for reporting emergencies and requesting information.


Santiago, September 9, 2022 - Enel Distribución implemented a prevention plan to quickly address any incidents that may affect the electricity system in its concession zone due to the commemoration of September 11.

The initiative will operate preventively from the evening of Saturday, September 10, to Monday, 12th. It consists of measures such as ongoing monitoring of the electrical grid, any increase in emergency field crews, implementing unique security actions to maintain the continuity of supply, and reinforcing its information and customer service channels.

We coordinated this prevention plan with SEC sectoral authorities, Metropolitan Region's presidential delegation, the regional government, emergency services, municipalities, and police forces.

Likewise, to guarantee Enel Distribucion staff's safety, we will not perform any repair work in areas with risks or protests. The crews will begin to work as soon as conditions allow.

In the event of an interruption in the electric power supply, the company asks customers to act prudently and not intervene in the distribution networks or attempt to fix the problem on their own.

Customer Service Channels

We reinforced our customer service channels and digital media to promote customer communication. Supported customer service channels and digital media include WhatsApp (+56994447606), where customers can report emergencies and request information, and website enel.cl/clientes, free mobile app “Enel Clientes Chile”, and the Call Center 6006960000/800800696.

Customers can use the self-service telephone line by entering their National Id N° (RUT) - when previously registered - instead of providing their supply number. Customers must update their details in the company's service channels to use this new option.

It is important to note that Enel Distribucion has a georeferenced technology platform showing the electric power supply's status, detailed by sector and summarized by each municipality. It is updated every 15 minutes on the website enel.cl and can be accessed directly at the following link https://www.enel.cl/es/clientes/emergencias/mapa-en-linea-cortes.html.


Due to potential difficulties in transport, the company proactively registered electro-dependent customers who live in areas that have historically seen incidents around this date to offer the early installation of generators. We delivered 200 generators to customers' homes under strict health protocols.

Enel Distribucion, in its ongoing concern for its customers, reiterates the call to family members or caretakers of electro-dependent individuals to register these cases with the company for personalized and expedited attention in the case of contingencies.

Registered electro-dependent patients have access to a preferential telephone line and priority customer service platform, which coordinates directly with technical staff to coordinate field crews.

The company has a particular registration protocol that can be performed on its website and at its commercial offices. The registration application must be submitted online, identifying the patient's residential address and the medical certificate specifying the equipment to which they must remain connected—more information at https://www.enel.cl/es/clientes/emergencias/registro-de-electrodependientes.html.

Enel Distribucion serves 33 municipalities in the Metropolitan Region.

Enel Distribución supplies energy to around 2 million customers. Its concession area is and covers 33 municipalities exclusively in the Metropolitan Region: Cerrillos, Cerro Navia, Conchalí, Estación Central, Independencia, La Cisterna, La Florida, La Granja, La Reina, Las Condes, Lo Espejo, Lo Prado, Macul, Maipú, Ñuñoa, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Peñalolén, Pudahuel, Quinta Normal, Recoleta, Renca, San Joaquín, San Miguel, San Ramón, Vitacura, Santiago, Providencia, Huechuraba, Quilicura, Lo Barnechea, Colina, Lampa and Til Til.