Enel Distribución activates preventive Action Plan for Coronavirus outbreak

Published on Monday, 16 March 2020

  • To reduce the risk of contagion for our workers, collaborators and customers, we have taken all preventive measures defined and suggested by the country's health authorities, in addition to other voluntary actions focused on protecting the health of all people.


Santiago, March 16, 2020 – In order to protect the health of our workers, collaborators and customers, so as to reduce the possibility of Coronavirus COVID-19 contagion, Enel Distribución has activated a preventive action plan to implement different protocols for network operations and customer service, while at the same time maintaining the company's operational continuity.

As a result of the pandemic declared by the World Health Organization (WHO), and for the purpose of stopping the spread of Coronavirus, Enel Distribución has adopted a series of measures, such as implementing action protocols for our workers and their families, so that they are prepared and know what to do and who to go to if they present symptoms.

All people whose work can be done remotely shall change to a remote working scheme, thus favoring the use of digital tools and platforms for activities that can be done remotely, as opposed to distribution network operations and customer service.

Moreover, we have restricted access to the electricity network operations facilities exclusively to authorized personnel, while increasing the frequency of daily cleaning and disinfection at these sites. Likewise, all shift changes shall be carried out under strict protocols, including additional protection measures.

Customer Service

For the purposes of customer service, we have adopted the corresponding preventive measures to protect our workers and their families from risk of contagion, taking their temperature before entry and establishing hygiene measures and action protocols to allow the company to continue its customer service processes.

The company invites its customers to prefer the use of digital customer service channels for all communications with the company, avoiding coming to our commercial offices in person, so as to protect the health of all people, customers, workers and collaborators, and thus reduce the risk of contagion. By not performing these proceedings in person, customers can avoid busy areas, the use of public transport and handling money.

Enel Distribución issues a call to its customers to use the following digital channels, which have been reinforced for this purpose: its website enel.cl, Twitter account @EnelClientesCL, Facebook account “Enel Chile” and the mobile application “APP Enel Clientes Chile,” which is the fastest way to contact the company. To use the app, download it to your mobile phone and enter your customer number once.

The staff at the different call centers that serve our company will be distributed throughout the different facilities in order to reduce the probability of contagion. 

The company has taken these measures in order to responsibly manage the health contingency and avoid instances that could represent the risk of transmission of COVID-19 among its workers, collaborators and customers.