#EnelFocusOn: the world focuses on Santiago

Published on Tuesday, 5 February 2019

  • Opinion leaders and energy, sustainability, and innovation specialists participated in a new version of #EnelFocusOn, exchanging views on a subject upon which Chile is now a regional leader.


The eyes of the entire world are on Santiago. The incorporation into Transantiago of the first large fleet of 100 electric buses in the country -thanks to the alliance of Enel X with BYD, Metbus, and the Ministry of Transport- and the construction of two electric-terminals, has awakened the interest of several countries to learn about Chile’s experience in order to apply it to their respective cities.

For this reason, Santiago provided the perfect context to gather specialists from 11 countries to discuss the future of "Electric Vehicles in Public Transport" in a new edition of #EnelFocusOn, an event organized by Enel, more than 2 years ago, in different cities of the world to discuss topics of global interest together with experts and opinion leaders, seeking innovative ideas to inspire a change in people's lives.

 "What is happening is a transformational change in people's daily lives, something they had never experienced before. Going on a bus with the best technology, without noise, with air conditioning, with good seats, brings a sense of modernity and happiness that a diesel bus does not provide. It's a revolution because it's something that we did not think was possible in Chile in 2019," said Mónica Araya, vice president of the Board of the Costa Rican Electric Mobility Association and co-founder of Costa Rica Limpia, who was the main speaker at the thirteenth Enel Focus On.

"The word revolution may sound strong, but it is what Enel has been pursuing since the 1980s, when we developed the first electric car. Today, our Group can carry out this revolution thanks to the enormous presence of infrastructure throughout the world," indicated Simone Tripepi, Manager of Enel X South America.

 At the event, Roberto Deambrogio, Enel Group´s Communications Director, commented that "it is very important to talk with opinion leaders who are present in social networks who can help us communicate effectively. Communications are going to be more and more digital and this is a very special way - it is not a traditional conference - it is interactive with an open debate between specialists in the sector."

The interesting debate, which brought together 15 opinion leaders from Argentina, Brazil, Peru, China, Colombia, Spain, the United States, the Netherlands, Italy, and Romania, as well as Chile, was followed live by millions of people through streaming on the Enel Group’s digital platform and is available for viewing on demand.