- The alliance between the two brands created 103 public chargers in this new charging hub for hybrid and electric vehicles, strategically located along the Alameda in Estación Central, offering the west side of Santiago an extensive infrastructure that can be used by both private vehicles and passenger and logistics transportation fleets.
Santiago, May 29, 2024.- Enel X and Espacio Urbano have added a large new EV charging station, this time in the underground parking levels minus one and minus two of Espacio Urbano Las Rejas, located at the intersection of Avenida Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins and Las Rejas, in Estación Central. This hub (operations center) already operates on the premises and can be used during the day by individuals and company vehicles for courier, delivery, and last mile services, as well as other sectors that are already leveraging electromobility. At night, it will be used by transportation fleets.
The partnership between Enel X and Espacio Urbano allows Chile to incorporate more modern charging infrastructure, solidifying our leadership in the region and positioning Santiago as the second city in the world, after Seoul in South Korea, with the highest number of public chargers in relation to its number of EVs in circulation. The transition to electromobility in Chile grew by 35% between 2022 and 2023. For 2024, the National Automotive Association of Chile (ANAC) expects the sale of new hybrid and electric vehicles to increase by 85% over the same period last year.
Jean Paul Zalaquett, Electromobility Manager at Enel X, highlights the country's momentum and leadership in electric charging infrastructure: “As of today, Santiago, Chile, has the two largest public charging centers in Latin America, which are part of a series of similar initiatives aimed at further increasing the number of connection points to boost electromobility, not only in the Metropolitan Region but throughout the entire country. Today we are inaugurating this new large EV charging center for the west side of Santiago. Along with our partner, Espacio Urbano, we have extended electromobility and its benefits from Antofagasta to Punta Arenas.”
The devices installed are Waybox AC chargers, with a power of 7.4 kW, which can be linked to the Enel X Way App for phones and RFID technology cards used to activate the charges. The new hub at Espacio Urbano Las Rejas also includes sophisticated technology that will enable the shopping center to generate charging efficiency by using the power remnants obtained during periods of lowest electrical consumption. This EV charging center, which positions the city of Santiago at the continental and global forefront of electromobility, is expected to generate savings of 587 tons of CO2 emissions annually, equivalent to 1,467 trees planted.
“We are very pleased with the work we have done since 2022 alongside Enel X. This alliance has promoted electromobility, achieving greater coverage and convenience for users, and on this occasion, we are inaugurating the second largest EV charging station in Latin America in our parking lots at Espacio Urbano Las Rejas, which will be used day and night by both private and commercial electric vehicles,” notes Carolina Díaz, Marketing and Sustainability Manager of Espacio Urbano.
The partnership between Enel X and Espacio Urbano consolidates the aspiration of both companies to foster electromobility and encourage the migration towards emission-free transportation, helping make the country’s cities cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable. It is worth noting that both companies already have public EV chargers operating in their shopping centers and strip centers at 14 different locations, from Antofagasta in the north to Punta Arenas in the south. This offering will continue to expand with more EV charging devices in a successful partnership that ultimately benefits the community at large.