Santiago, May 20th, 2019 – Due to the rain forecast announced for the Metropolitan Region, Enel Distribución activated its preventive plan for servicing the possible incidents that may affect the electric power distribution system. For that purpose it reinforced its technical capacity in the field and its customer information and interaction channels.
The contact channels were reinforced, such as the Emergency Phone (600 696 0000), as well as those for digital service and web page, its twitter account, @EnelClientesCL and “Enel Chile” Facebook, which formally record all service requirements.
Facing any supply interruption, the recommendation is to use the mobile phone application “APP Enel Clientes Chile”, the quickest way to reach the company. After unloading it, the customer number is entered once, where you may select the option “no light”.
The company has a “map of online blackouts”, a geo referenced technological platform where the condition of the electric power supply may be known, detailed by sector and summarized by county. It is updated every 10 minutes in the web page, and there is direct access to it in the link.
Electrodependent people
Enel Distribución has more than 400 electric power generator sets for servicing priority cases, that are assigned to those homes registered as electro dependent and that at some moment may find themselves with no power supply. At the same time, the company distributed additional equipment sets to the different counties belonging to its concession area, in order for them to be able to aid electro dependent patients in their respective counties.
Enel Distribución services 33 counties in the Metropolitan Region
Enel Distribución is the main electric power supply distributor in the country, including more than 1.9 million customers. Its concession area is 2,037 km2 in size, reaching 33 counties located exclusively in the Metropolitan Region: Cerrillos, Cerro Navia, Conchalí, Estación Central, Independencia, La Cisterna, La Florida, La Granja, La Reina, Las Condes, Lo Espejo, Lo Prado, Macul, Maipú, Ñuñoa, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Peñalolén, Pudahuel, Quinta Normal, Recoleta, Renca, San Joaquín, San Miguel, San Ramón, Vitacura, Santiago, Providencia, Huechuraba, Quilicura, Lo Barnechea, Colina, Lampa and Til Til.