- The agreement, effective as of April 1st, 2020, will be the first all renewable energy contract becoming effective in the mining industry, and will enable Collahuasi to have a totally green matrix.
Santiago, June 6th, 2019 - Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi SCM, following its latest bidding process, awarded Enel Generación Chile the approximate 1TWh/year power supply, making it the largest certified renewable electric power contract in the country.
The agreement is expected to last 10 years and will be effective as of April 1st, 2010, making it the first totally renewable contract becoming effective in the mining industry, enabling Collahuasi to have a completely green matrix.
By means of this agreement, signed this morning in the mining company headquarters, between the executive president of Collahuasi, Jorge Gómez, and Enel’s general manager, Paolo Pallotti, the mining company finalizes its power supply contract associated to the Central Termoeléctrica Tarapacá, a facility included in the de-carbonization plan announced recently by the authority.
Jorge Gómez, executive president of Collahuasi asserted “It pleases us to make this strategic announcement, since the fact of having a 100% green power supply places us closer in our search for sustainability in all of our value chain”.
Paolo Pallotti, general manager for Enel, manifested that “we are the number one renewable energy operator in the country, with 70% of our energy coming from renewable sources. Our increasingly cleaner generation matrix gives us the opportunity to submit more competitive and sustainable offers to our customers, making it possible, all together, to promote the use of renewable energy in Chile".
The contract with Enel states as one of its core points, for the energy to come from any renewable source generated in its different power plants, and therefore, to be certified as 100% renewable.