Enel Chile S.A, previously called Enersis Chile S.A., was born from the división of Enersis S.A. approved at the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of December 18, 2015.
On February 29, 2016, the Board appointed the first Directors Committee of the Company, which was composed of Messrs. Pablo Cabrera Gaete, Gerardo Jofré Miranda and Fernan Gazmuri Plaza. On April 28, 2021, after the Ordinary Shareholders 'Meeting held on that same date, which elected the Company's Board of Directors, the Board of Directors appointed Pablo Cabrera Gaete, Gonzalo Palacios Vasquez and Fernán as members of the Directors' Committee. Gazmuri Plaza. The latter, Mr. Fernán Gazmuri Plaza, was appointed financial expert.
At the ordinary meeting of the Directors' Committee on April 28, 2021, Mr. Fernán Gazmuri Plaza was appointed chairman of the Directors Committee and Mr. Domingo Valdés Prieto, its secretary.
Directors Committee will supervise issues related to Sustainability
On June 24, 2020, the Board of Directors of Enel Chile, in order to improve even more the high standards in corporate governance practices in reference to the management of sustainability and positioning among investors and sustainability analysts, agreed to delegate sustainability-related functions to the Directors' Committee, the entire body made up of independent directors, to supervise and follow up on the matters related to sustainability in the Company.
The Board of Directors delegated to the Directors Committee, a body that already works with a structure permanent and with a defined and periodic calendar, certain functions related to sustainability, with the goal that the Committee supports the Board of Directors with iniciativies and advice in evaluations and decisions related to the sustainability of the Company, supervising and promoting the sustainability commitment of Enel Chile S.A.
Among the functions that were delegated are those of reviewing the Sustainability Report and plan, prior to its final approval by the Board of Directors. Also, supervise the Company's participation in the sustainability indices.