Enel Distribución extends registration term for electro-dependent customers

Published on Tuesday, 31 March 2020

  • The company will extend its registration of electro-dependent patients about to expire, as a measure to address complex situations caused by Covid-19.


Santiago, March 31, 2020 – With the objective of supporting electro-dependent patients during this contingency caused by Covid-19, Enel Distribución will automatically extend the term for registrations about to expire.

According to the protocols established, each registration has a one-year term, after which the registration must be updated. At this time, the registrations will be automatically extended without the need to come to the company's offices.

In this way, those who are registered can continue to enjoy preferential service for electro-dependent customers, which includes the automatic recognition of their phone number and/or customer number with direct transfer to the priority platform when they contact the call center (6006960000).

The company's teams are 100% operative for serving its electro-dependent customers, with around 430 electrogen and lithium battery generators for delivery if necessary, and strict protocols to avoid the spread of coronavirus. Additionally, 120 machines have been handed over by the concessions area to different municipal governments for their management.

It should be noted that an electro-dependent patient with home hospitalization is someone at home who needs to be connected to a medical device that requires a continuous electrical supply, and the lack of which could be life-threatening or cause serious functional after-effects.

Electro-dependent patients that have never been registered may download the electro-dependent patient certificate to be completed by the doctor accrediting the condition, and the registration application form to be filled out by the patient or his/her caretaker, to later apply for registration on the company's website enel.cl (https://www.enel.cl/es/clientes/informacion-util/registro-de-electrodependientes.html)

The implementation of the agreement signed in 2019 between electricity distribution companies and the Ministry of Energy established the need for registration to access benefits for electro-dependent customers with home hospitalization. These benefits include a discount on the electricity bill, no shut-off in the case of debt, and preferential service in the event of prolonged power outages.

Customer Service Channels

To protect the health of our workers and customers, the Enel Distribución offices are temporarily closed, and the company has reinforced its digital channels to facilitate contact with its customers and always suggests using these channels for greater safety. These are: website enel.cl, Twitter @EnelClientesCL, Facebook “Enel Chile” and mobile app “Enel Clientes Chile,” which is the fastest way to contact the company. To use the app, download it to your mobile phone and enter your customer number once to register and activate your app.